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ah yes, the "NaN universes" in size. pls make more games like this one

I'll do my best. Maybe not exactly the same, but I do think keeping a similar theme is the plan.


Genuinely one of the better Twine games I've encountered, particularly in terms of idler games (which tend to screw up the pacing). 

Perchance this merits further explanation of idler growth in general.

(1 edit)

Exploration of idler growth is always necessary.

But aside from sockhungryclutz's eggplant expander and maybe the random renamon boob clicker X, I've not seen anything begin to touch it, and I'd say mine is still better than those.

Twine is a double-edged coin because it's so easy to get into, it's entirely possible to make good stuff, but it's equally possible to make bad stuff that technically passes the threshold of booting up and having buttons to press.

Deleted 1 year ago

That is, with all due respect, the most insane take I've seen on this game, ever. I love it. 

'Course it's cute, I made it.


congratulations on building an incremental out of a game engine that was really not designed for it :P (in seriousness i love seeing people make strange stuff out of tools that are not quite built for making them and this fits into that category really well )

additionally, congratulations to yuri for winning the 'biggest fox ever' award 100 times in a row and counting


Yuri loves. Just, like, in general.

I do not do these things because they are easy, but because they seem easy at first. Learning a coding language that can be used outside of niche sort-of-text-adventures? Psh. Assemble strange amalgamations of code using print statements because anything that's printed is rerendered ad infinitum.

I bet I could cobble together a 3D rendering system in this thing if I had infinite processing power and knowledge of how to make ghatt damn collisions work. My existing attempts at making a procedural display took three or four seconds to load and that wasn't really the level of quality I was looking for.



honestly, I really did not know what I was expecting when I started playing this game. Maybe I was expecting some kind of erotic novel incremental...? It turned into quite something else.

It was a marvelous game. The writing had just the right bit of horny and quite a lot of silly. Truly a boob growing game of the century. Would love to see more from you.



(1 edit) (+1)

Around at 1.78e308 (1.78 x 10, 308 times) double floating point variables just... stop working. It's too large. Some games work around this, somehow, by simplifying the numbers further or changing how the number is stored. Others consider 1e308 equivalent to actual infinity, and make that the point to prestige and do it all again.

NaN stands for "Not a Number". Technically, the value it is is "INF" for infinity, but I'm putting that variable through a $variable.toLocaleString() to put the commas in and it doesn't play nice when it's given a string.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game, though! It means a lot to read comments like this!

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i was curious and pressed the funny little back arrow on the top left...

and then save gone.


and i just got to the strange matter part too.

Yeah, Twine's got a thing about placing the entire game into one paragraph like I did.

The password's Perchance, by the way. Scroll down from the prologue. Be a shame to waste all that effort and gain nothing for it.

Or, be sure to go to the Settings screen to save there, since it only generates a proper save on a passage transition.

(1 edit) (+1)

ohhh!!! thank you.

its kinda hard to resist getting infinite of everything, but thanks you for letting me experience the rest of the game!

(edit) oh... there was no point in resisting anyway. i was like 5 minutes away from experiencing the end. so silly


This game was amazing, I can just say that. I'm a bit disappointed that I got 1h and 14m. Perchance would you be willing to give some tips so I can do it again faster? (Also, sorry if I made any english mistake, Im brazilian...)


There aren't too many tips, but I can give a few:

- Try to only milk her once she's full. It'll save you time switching tabs, and you get more milk per percentage when she's larger.
- Carefully look through the upgrades on your completed save to figure out which ones you want and which ones you don't need. All of them are necessary to unlock future upgrades, but the order you get them is mostly your choice.
- Get them goated gamer hands, which means you also have to play with your right hand. I know, I know.
- Possess endless love of Yuri in your heart, for she will see you to victory.


Thanks for the tips, I was already using both hands as I'm playing on my phone (I play games like this mostly for the experience and not for the scenes), and I always milked her when she was full... so I guess I just need to be faster.


doing it on mobile definitely isn't going to get you the fastest time. The game was built around a PC aspect ratio, so keep having to scroll up and down on mobile and it'll lose you time whenever you do.


I wish I could afford a PC...


Not to be a spoilsport but what is the password for cheat ( I did finish the game but forgot the code)

If you didn't, please, at least try. It does take a bit but the pacing really helps the story hit home, and while big booba is neat, the best part is the journey.

But even if you did, I won't tell you the password outright because someone else is going to make that mistake and it'll ruin it for them. Perchance you'll find it scattered about the other comments.




Perchance are you planning to make a similar game? would be up for helping with writing and helping out if you do. was a fun game:) keep it up.

I am! However, being a writer myself, I probably won't budge on doing all the writing on my own. I'm up for suggestions and such after I get a playable demo working, though.


The writing makes me nostalgic somehow for old school video game writing. Like the just insane story path is honestly really enjoyable. Possibly even more so than the titty part (maybe)


I put care into what's being written. The character should be there, even before adding the nsfw content that makes up the purpose of the game. It'll give it that little bit of charm that makes the world real, and it's that little bit of realness that makes up the miles of difference between that and dry writing. A game is a story with more freedom and more immersion, so if you don't treat it like a story, it'll become dull.

I also tried to limit my scope wherever I could. You'll notice the statistics eventually disappear; that's not because I thought it would be best for them to, but because I really stopped being able to find things that weigh that much. There was going to be a statistic for volume, as well, but that ended up being far too much work. But I can do writing, and if I'm not limited to conditions like "A single, easily-imagined object of the correct size/weight", I can work magic.

Play my porn for the plot.


Wow, this was an Awesome, Awesome game.  You are right, I can't believe no one has created anything like this before.  Perchance a sequel?  Beat it in 44min 16.5 seconds.  Trying another speed run tonight!

There will be another game, yes, and I'll do my best to have it live up to this one, but it'll definitely be a while before even a demo's ready. This one took aligning a few stars, a moment of profound inspiration, and two weeks with nothing better to do to create. It also took no knowledge that I didn't already have, whereas I'm gonna need to learn javascript to do what I want in the next one.

But I'm very glad you enjoyed this one, and so far, the high score was 44:59. The new highscore is now yours.


Hey bug report... If you delay getting Remote Work until after everything, you're stuck with a spaceship that has 50 fuel, rather than 200.

Eesh that's not great. I swear I made them sequential.

Welp, easy enough fix.

Alright, it's fixed. If you've already bought the upgrades in the wrong order, it won't help, but it's no longer possible to do it again.

And though it'll be a pain, it's still perfectly possible to beat the game with a reduced fuel capacity


Oh yeah, I did do that still. But, I report bugs as I find em o7


Well, I beat this game in about 3 hours 7 minutes 57.5 seconds! and what can I say this game is perfect I have already played many games and not one has reached the same scale as your game I like big girls who grow in height and I hope that in the future there will be a Perchance to make the fox itself as huge as her breasts


This was awesome ! Is there anyway to getting more content from you ? 


I've got a few other games in progress, though they'll take a backseat to college and work. If you'd like to support me, you can donate through the download page, but it probably won't change how fast the next game comes out. I'll work on it at my own pace, picking up a new skill or two (wow javascript is different from sugarcube), and when it's ready to play, it'll be here.


this was super good!!!! agreeing with the previous comment about the gender ambiguity being much appreciated. i really liked the writing, i'm always a sucker for super sweet and comfy hyper/growth stories like this and you nailed it. very rare for any BE game to do sizes like this too, so thank you!!! perchance the best hyper boobs incremental game i've ever played...


I loved this a lot. Yuri herself is very cute, the gender ambiguity of the protagonist (so I could, perchance, have hyper-yuri with Yuri) was very appreciated, and the whole throughline of "the hyper is clearly more concerned with themselves than the world, but also doesn't want to hurt anybody" and "we serendipitously made human society a utopia as a side project to getting bigger" are both very good and I love them. I also love my very, very big fox wife. 

This was so cute!! All the tooltips and little details about how intimate and loving the whole thing is for both parties... It made me want to start writing hyper stuff once I was done. Great work!


Yeah, that's a lot of what my thought processes were right there. I write happy things, because happy characters make me happy. And, of course, absurdity suits the hyper genre well. Thank you for the review, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Key missed opportunity- the Tip in the Settings menu still says "girlfriend" after the ending. Unplayable smh.

Did a run as hard as I could, got to the ending in 44:59 (4.3x/min).

My hand hurts. But I made a fox enbooben very fast, so it was worth it. GOTY 2024.


I also finally managed to make Yuri not completely flat c:


(1 edit) (+1)

Also, I was trying to remember what was up with her surname "Belyayev", as it sounded familiar. After some thinking, I realized it's referring to the Belyayev foxes, those semi-domesticated foxes. Super cool.

And yeah, finally got around to beating the game, double-cool.

(1 edit) (+1)

Minor bug(?): if you do anything else while space flight is going on, it interrupts it and you lose the fuel and SM. I know it's being interrupted since you are going back to go milk and massage her, but I think it's deleting the fuel and SM when it happens.

Also feels like the game should switch away from "Yuri's laying down, her tits splayed to either side, waiting for you to massage her back... and perhaps a little bit more." once you're in space and there's nothing to lay on.

Don't be silly, of course there's something to lay on. She's laying on her tits.

And there is gravity by that point, from a previous upgrade.

As for the bug, that's intended behavior. You don't lose the fuel and SM, though, it just acts as if you've returned and collects it for you. This is no longer the case once you get the "remote work" upgrade, after which you can continue to do other things while spaceflight is happening (though any produced fuel won't go to the ship and will be lost instead).


perchance, would you consider removing the strange matter capping growth to only doubling after you see the ending/credits?  as there are no milestones to skip after that point.

I'm afraid not. Because of how strange matter functions, having 71,332 of it will cause the growth amount to exceed 1.78e308, after which most engines round the number up to infinity. Even with just 10,000, you'd get a multiplier of 1e42 or so, which is around ten orders of magnitude larger than the known universe (which was why it was nerfed before the final upgrade).

I think doubling in size is a fine amount of growth. After reaching the ending, she'll take less than a thousand more clicks to outgrow the math itself.




Everyone knows Mario is cool as fuck. But who knows what he's thinking? Who knows why he crushes turtles? And why do we think about him as fondly as we think of the mythical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper? Perchance.

I believe it was Kant who said "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play." Mario exhibits experience by crushing turts all day, but he exhibits theory by stating "Lets-ago!" Keep it up, baby!

When Mario leaves his place of safety to stomp a turty, he knows that he may Die. And yet, for a man who can purchase lives with money, a life becomes a mere store of value. A tax that can be paid for, much as a rich man feels any law with a fine is a price. We think of Mario as a hero but he is simply a one percenter of a more privileged variety. The lifekind, Perchance.

A man of culture, I see.


This is perchance one of the best "idle" games I've ever played (I actually had to focus quite a lot). I really liked every little minigame and the ASCII art was quite nice! It's refreshing to get a furry game like this, it's a pet peeve for me that the protagonists of most fetish  games are human, anyway, all in all a great time, definitely check this out if you have an hour or two to spare!


1000/10 my dude, it's was an absolute blast to play and it's amazing what someone can with with a simple visual style. I'd love to see waaay more of your work with similar concepts like this! 


Man this was a neat game, longer than I thought at the begining, perchance it would've been better if there was some art related to some stages of growth but that's just me and my impossibility to imagine some things :D


Ah, I would if I could. I'm sure everyone would if they could, for every game they made. But I can't. Possm's art was a gift (an unexpected and much beloved one), but I don't have the funds to commission more, much less enough to cover all of... that.

The closest thing I can do is constant comparison to things you can imagine. Like, say, Hawaii.


Hmm... well that's a shame 

talking about comparisons, you should add the weight of the heaviest black hole before going "yup, she's big alright"


Amazing, adorable ending. as an outsider I love that all hyper fans must necessarily be or become physics and astronomy experts, just beautiful.

I have indeed picked up a little bit here and there.


Could you perchance get a non-furaffinity locked image for those credits? Can't view if not logged into furaffinity.

Fun game. Love the detail and thought put into it despite it fundamentally just making "boobs bigger".

I'm glad you liked it!

I hadn't considered that it wouldn't display for those not logged in, but that makes good sense. Unfortunately, that's up to the original artist, Possmonaut, to post it in a location that doesn't have such a restriction, since Twine games pull from already-hosted images. Including an image in the download itself is... troublesome, to say the least.


Possmonaut posted it on Twitter as well


Perchance I was working on a hyper BE-clicker years ago that I never finished. This absolutely blew it out of the water, the game really reminds me of A Dark Room both in the ascii artstyle as well as the introduction of more and more mechanics over time.

Only thing I can think to add are a few more size-milestones in descriptors, especially for space.  Someone released a hyperBE calculator a long time ago on DeviantArt that could be helpful for that, it measures weight/dimensions/growth rate, etc


That calculator is quite interesting. Much more in-depth than mine, as I'm just doing the math as if they were spheres. It could indeed use a few more intermediate log entries, but on the other hand, that's when even the exponential growth really picks up.

I do hope you keep working on your abandoned project, if only because I still want to see a proper cookie clicker-style BE game. After all, I'm the one who made this one, so playing it isn't nearly as effective for me :')


Yeah, I ended up modifying his calculator to add other units of measurements in there as well for size descriptors.  It was pretty helpful with my game.

My game I ended up stopping working on because it got too bloated (in not a good BE way),  I needed to really refine it's focus, but working around the bloat was complicated.   In some ways there were a lot of similar things, such as milk as a currency, and eventual BE of others besides the MC, but the other's BE was part of the game mechanics - and where a lot of the bloat was coming into play because there was interactivity and such to it.  Your use of different research currencies, massage vs milk, and Earth's govt saying "no more BE allowed" added depth without all of that complexity overhead.

Your game really gave me a lot of ideas, I might pick it back up some day, but I have some other projects I'm wanting to work on as well.   I'd love to keep in touch and help on future BE-games of yours, or bounce ideas and such off one another.  Feel free to message me on DA/Discord/Twitter, I've got the same name as on here.


Will do, and bloat is certainly an issue. This isn't the first BE game I've worked on, and the other one has the potential to be larger.

...Game-length-wise, it'll be around the same size as this one. However, most of the work was done back when my mastery of twine was links, variables, and if statements, which is... not what went into this one. I'll have to redo most of it if I want to get it finished, and even then I think it'll lack the sheer beauty of this one.


Yeah, my old code for that game was pretty janky too.  I was doing it all on Unity as that's the engine I'm most familiar with, and... let's say there were some not performance-friendly ways I had coded things.


I really enjoyed it and finished the game :D.

I'm glad you liked it!


First of all, absolutely love the game! Writing - hilarious, minigames - really well implemented and fun. 

Though I have a few complaints: 1) "Americans will use anything except metric system". I mean, chinook helicopter? The city of London? MY MOM?! (Christ that’s heavy...) But yeah, adding meters and liters in setting would be great. 2) Why the girls name is Yuri Belyaev? That’s a dude’s name in Slavic regions, especially "BelyaeV". The correct version would be BelyaevA (at least in russian)


Hey now, Astronomical Units is SI. Probably.  And besides, the way to maximize horniness in text-based games is comparisons, nothing but. If I only ever used units of length and weight, it wouldn't have nearly as much impact. How much is 6 trillion kiloliters anyways? It's difficult for them to visualize, which makes it difficult for the game to have any meaning. It's not much of a game if you remove the plot, after all.

I could use metric units for the stuff that are actual units, sure. I considered making that a setting for a good while, until I thought about the actual work that it would take to implement, and the fact that the log(size) upgrades would make less sense than they currently do.

As for her name, Yuri's a cute name. It sounds vaguely japanese (a culture with quite a few foxes in it), and it's pretty common as a name there since it just means "lily". Her last name, Belyaev, stems from the Belyaev foxes, an experiement held in Russia by Dimitry Belyayev, who I've just realized I've been misspelling his name :|, specifically regarding the creation of truly domesticated foxes in the same ways that wolves and cats were. The foxes made from that experiment were much more amicable to humans, it was valuable research into domestication and biology, and it's even been found that the floppy-ear gene is pretty closely connected to the liking-humans gene, as Belyayev fox kits had slightly floppy ears. Wait no the wikipedia article spells it both ways. I'm in shambles.

I was not previously aware of the Russian handling of last names. It's pretty neat. But, because I'm an author and contain the infinite power of rationalization at my fingertips, I will simply say that Yuri's family previously immigrated to Japan from Russia, then from Japan to America. Or perhaps  she's the daughter of a russian and japanese immigrant. Either way, anything can work in America's setting of taking bits and pieces of any/every culture and ignoring how they should really be handled.

(1 edit) (+1)

About metric system - fair point, it does loose meaning after a while.

But(t)! I must suggest an alternative name - Yulia Belyaeva. It's just more appropriate for this kind of last name.

As for russian language - we have 6 cases for nouns and adjectives, it gets complicated very quickly. Third most difficult language after all! (for better and worse)

(BTW forgot to mention - LOVE the text art! It was really unexpected and greatly implemented. I'm afraid to imagine how long did you spent to line it up)


Haha twine's not designed for ASCII art.

Here's what I had to do:

Select a monospace font where each character has an equal size - easy

Wrap the characters in a <<nowiki>> formatting so that they don't get counted as code - easy

Doubletype all the \s because even the nowiki format isn't strong enough to prevent them from escaping - annoying

Redesign the div system because creating an individual div for every single character when those titties are made out of like 600 - had to do this three times

Hey wait these boobs are 26 characters tall instead of 20 - so I'll have to redo the milk display

Create a sidescrolling system that projects each line in sequence for the space game - easy as hell. Finished it without realizing it while working on the next problem.

Create a system to dynamically replace certain characters in each line so that the rocketship, y'know, exists - holy hell this was hard. Strings can be read but not written. I have to cobble new commands together with print statements because variables aren't designed to be put there. Arrays are easier and harder at the same time than they should be.

Copy and paste ASCII earth art without credit - whoops

Get a circle generator to produce the space boobs - not that hard. More of an oval since the characters are taller than they are wide.

Draw the hanging boobs - not that difficult, but the milking screen still lags on potato computers.

Copy the space background from the ASCII art program - It could be copied, yes. You know what the problem was? The enter/lineskip character exists in that program, which means spaces that looked like, y'know, spaces, were actually lineskips that made me have to clean up the entire thing and even then it was janky. I don't want to do that again.

I'm not an artist :(


HOLY BABAJESUS. As someone who's activley writing for twine game, thats a LOT of effort. But it was worth it

Sure was. By the way, you can always peek into my code by downloading the .HTML and hitting "open project" or whatever in twine itself. Read my suffering.


Clicked so many X's that i am conditioned to click X's that isn't on the actual game.
I also broke the game by clicking so many times the text quite literally went out of the box.
I've been browsing and other websites, but this is perchance the BEST breast expansion idle game i have  come across.
Kudos to you friend. I look forward to your next accomplishment!

Thank you! I can see how that kind of classical conditioning could be a problem, but I'm sure you'll find a way to work around it. Next project will probably take a while, since I haven't really started it, but this certainly isn't my last.


Do you need/would you like help with these projects? From other comments, it seems like you have a lot of ideas or drafts in the works, and I'm just wondering if you'd be open to having other people assist with creating these games or if you want to keep them as solo projects.

You know, I'm not against that. Twine doesn't really have share-with-others comparability beyond the ability to send files for others to take turns making them, though, and my code is a little... messy.

But for ideas, mechanics, and balance, sure. I'll whip up a discord server later today, I guess, and I can talk more there.

Thanks for all the interest, it means a lot!

(1 edit) (+1)

I would gladly help you with any of those things if it helped you, and I'm sure plenty of others would as well. Looking forward to the Discord server!


hmm will there be another spinoff game perchance? id love to see another game like this but expanded upon, maybe with more color since the black and white kind of hurts my eyes.

(1 edit)

This is about all I can do with this game. Aside from a few small tweaks, it's pretty well finished. I'll make others, in the future, but I can't say if they'd have any similarities to this one aside from being in Twine. And, y'know, booba.

As for the colors, I'm sorry about that. Those are the default colors of Twine,  and the more code-driven story formatting I'm using, Sugarcube, has a lot less easy ways to change it than the story/art-driven format, Harlowe. I could perhaps try implementing some alternate colors in the settings, though I'm unsure what those alternate colors would be.


Heads up! save to your computer and not to the game's save system. I lost my save. :P saw all the content but number go up make pp go up.

(1 edit)

Twine saves are stored in you browser cache.

...or somewhere that sounds vaguely like that. Cookies are a fundamental part of it, so aggressive space reclaiming or automated antivirus processes will break em.

Also, I specifically warned in the intro that you can only save in the settings screen.

But I think I may update this with a place to put in the password to activate a cheat mode, mobile support, maybe a gallery of other good BE games I've seen, that sort of stuff.


Yeah its probably my browser haha, i'm a paranoid old sow.


Interesting little project of a game with some cute mechanics. Well done for a twine game of this scope and scale. Though I would like to ask if you perchance happen to have a discord server one could join for this project or games with similar proclivities and fascinations. I would be most interested in joining such a community should such a proposition be agreeable.


indubitably, such a thing would be wise. But alas, my discord server is strictly for my SFW stories and I've few other social presences in a horny capacity such as this.

I'll consider making one, if only to discuss the projects I'm making. In the meantime, I mentioned all the other ideas I have in a comment reply somewhere below.

Many thanks for the feedback, my friend.


I thought that was really fun!  I didn't expect to get hooked by this, but once I got going I didn't want to stop.

I'll be looking forward to your future works, and perchance I'll play this one again sometime.


this is a lovely "little" game that shakes up the play just enough to not get stale, while also not squeezing in too much and overstaying its welcome.

Are there any new projects moving along the pipeline, perchance?

(1 edit)

Well, I've got two (and a half) games in the works.

One is a day-by-day BE game about a tomboy wolf cursed to grow every day, and has joined the boobfighting league to make the most of it.

One is a slay-the-spire ripoff Deckbuilder roguelite where the main method of scaling is breast growth; the larger you are than your opponent, the more damage you deal and the less you take. Boob size is gained for the fight, for the run, and permanently depending on its source.

The last one is just a time management sim thing where you take contracts from the government to manage hypers while they adapt to their new sizes, making money from milking them on the side. Whenever they're drained, their production rate slowly increases, but whenever they're full, they grow over time. It's not much of a game right now and the math's still very much a WIP, ergo, it's a half.

Or maybe I'll do a crash landing on an alien planet with an atmosphere that passively grows your tits and tons of environmental challenges that can't be cleared without, y'know, huge stonking tits.

Or maybe an alchemist sim about gathering materials, discovering synergies in ingredients, and permanently retaining a small amount of every potion you take after its duration has expired.

Plenty of choices, and Twine can do them all with a little effort. I'm off break and in college now, though, and trying to publish a book, so when (if) you'll ever see a demo of these is unclear.

(1 edit) (+1)

Despite only being text-based, this is easily the most fun I've had with any fetish game in an extremely long time. If, perchance, you decided to go even further beyond the current max size or add new content you have my full attention and support. I'm very happy to have played and enjoyed this through to completion. Superb!

I especially liked the attention to detail and scale. It's refreshing to run into someone who has a deep appreciation for actually decent sizes.

(1 edit)

It's all about comparison. Car-sized titties are a whole lot hornier than Y-cup titties, even if a character with them looks exactly the same.

For that reason, post-universal sizes... don't work. When I have to start making up things to compare the boobs to, it stops being so good.

UNLESS the unit is also something I want to emphasize being big, in which case it works just fine. That just can't happen in this game, because nobody bigger than Yuri.

And of course, there needs to be focus. A game that tries to accommodate as many fetishes as possible is all well and good, but it'll never totally appeal to everyone. A game that knows exactly what it's doing and makes every single mechanic point towards that single goal in some way is the way to go, I think.

I'm glad you liked it, and this certainly isn't the last game I'll make.


А для чего пароль?

Чтобы узнать, прошли ли люди игру и прочитали титры или нет.


This is, far and away, my favorite twine game of all time. I doubt anything will come close. Hell, this game feels so tailor-made to my tastes I have half a mind to check all the entrances to my home and get my brain scanned for a mental probe!

Foxes? All-too-hyper endless growth and growthlust? More milk than any sane person would crave, let alone produce in a second? Bravo. Perchance I'll find something half this good someday, I hope. c:

(1 edit) (+1)

Update- I decided to make Yuri slightly less flat in my postgame, I think this is a decent enough first day of play. 

I have to defend my honor as the guy with enough hyperfixation and free time to (at time of posting) top score on Super Ember Ushi Milk Bounce 2, after all. (Score 80,137, tag FSL for firesoul xP)

Resolution is 2560x1440, so a pretty wide screen.

I'm glad you liked it! And yeah, I managed to snag top 8 or so in the half hour after it came out with a thousand or so before I never again got the chance :')

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